Tom Ahlström and Hans Ehrich

Tom Ahlstrom and Hans Ehrich, A&E design, posing with Etac ”clean” chair
A&E Design was founded by Tom Ahlström and Hans Ehrich in 1968, since when it has designed a large number of ergonomic everyday items for clients in Sweden and abroad. For instance, 67 million examples of the Jordan 1230 dishwashing brush have been sold. The red Turn-O-Matic M80 queue ticket dispenser is a familiar sight at supermarket counters. The Stockholm folding stool is now used in museums around the world, including Nationalmuseum’s galleries and associated collections. To mark A&E design’s 50th anniversary in autumn 2018, Nationalmuseum staged an exhibition based on the donated models and prototypes. The A&E Design archive has been donated to Nationalmuseum. The archive contains material relating to the industrial design firm’s activities over the past half-century – everything from concept sketches to final drawings and product models. (source: This donation is also the story of a design company portraying herself, that’s why we chose to share here some portraits of the two founders of A&E.

Etac ”clean” chair, A&E design

Tom Ahlstrom and Hans Ehrich posing with ”Stella Polaris” lamp

”Stella Polaris” lamp, Yamagiwa, 1983

Tom Ahlstrom and Hans Ehrich posing with ”Turn-O-Matic”


Tom Ahlstrom and Hans Ehrich posing with ”Lucifer” lamp

”Lucifer” lamp, Fagerhults, ca. 1970–1980

Hans Ehrich posing with ”Stockholm II Folding Stool”

”Stockholm II Folding Stool”

Tom Ahlstrom and Hans Ehrich, A&E Design AB office